097 otomatiki hutachiwana yepamusoro Nak mafuta seal
097 409 400 D
- Nzvimbo yeKutanga:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
- Zita Rekushandisa:
- mhando:
AT ekisero mafuta chisimbiso
- musika:
USA EUROPE Chile Africa Russia zvichingodaro
- Type:
Transmission Assembly
- Car Gadzira:
- Model Nhamba:
- Kupa Mazano:
- 50000 Piece / Pieces pavhiki
- Kavha Dhata
- Chekutanga packege kana zvinoenderana netsika inodikanwa.
- Chiteshi
- Huanpu
- Lead Nguva :
- 2-10 mazuva
097 otomatiki kutumira mhando yepamusoro NAK mafuta zvisimbiso

Transpeed Overhaul kit inosanganisira: Oiri chisimbiso chakateedzana, Kuisa chisimbiso gasket akateedzana, Teflon akateedzana, Kuisa chisimbiso mhete dzakateedzana …
a. Oiri chisimbiso chakateedzana: NOK & CORTECO
NOK: One of the biggest sealing products manufacturer leader in sealing industry in the world.
Some are packed with CORTECO bag.
b. Sealing gasket series: 100% Asbestos_free. Produced in Inerface solutions INC.
*air tightness
*chemical corrosion resistance
*deformation resistance
*rebound resistance
*sticky resistance
*temperature resistance
c. Telfon series: Made in America TTK and Taiwan.
d. Sealing ring series: Made of VITON rubber from Japan & AEM.