Transpeed Grup, salaku supplier bagian transmisi otomatis internasional, insists pikeun ngadopsi komponén OEM pikeun mastikeun kualitas OEM ogé pikeun ngurangan biaya perawatan sarta nyieun nilai loba nu leuwih luhur pikeun konsumén.
Ayeuna, Transpeed kalebet: kit diwangun deui, filter, rakitan kopling, kopling bushing, segel minyak TC, Ring Karét, Shafts, Bushing, Solenoids, body valve, pump etc. Brand Transpeed parantos ngawangun reputasi bisnis anu saé sareng ngagaduhan persetujuan sareng ni'mat di industri. Produkna parantos janten jual panas ka Cina sareng sadunya.
As the development of new energy automobile, TRANSPEED will continue enlarge products range and introduce more new energy vehicles parts, such as air tightness tester, new energy vehicles electronic control maintenance and test power supply,lithium battery system etc. we estimate in the coming 5 years, new energy automobile parts sale amount will up to 30% of our whole products system.