Transpeed Group, njengoba i international automatic transmission izingxenye umphakeli, ephikelela ukuba bamukele OEM izingxenye ukuqinisekisa izinga OEM kanye ukunciphisa izindleko yesondlo bese udala ezibiza kakhulu zibe zingenayo amakhasimende.
Njengamanje, Transpeed sifaka phakathi: ikhithi eyakhiwe kabusha, isihlungi, ukuhlangana kwe-clutch, i-clutch bushing, uphawu lwe-TC oil, i-Rubber Ring, i-Shafts, i-Bushing, i-Solenoids, umzimba we-valve, ipompo njll. umusa embonini. Imikhiqizo yayo ibe abathengisa kakhulu eChina nasemhlabeni wonke.
As the development of new energy automobile, TRANSPEED will continue enlarge products range and introduce more new energy vehicles parts, such as air tightness tester, new energy vehicles electronic control maintenance and test power supply,lithium battery system etc. we estimate in the coming 5 years, new energy automobile parts sale amount will up to 30% of our whole products system.